Bases: cantera.onedim.FlameBase. A freely-propagating flat flame. A domain of type IdealGasFlow named ‘flame’ will be created to represent the flame and set to free flow. The three domains comprising the stack are stored as self.inlet, self.flame, and self.outlet.
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This class serves as a base class to derive 'kinetics managers', which are classes that manage homogeneous chemistry within one phase, or heterogeneous chemistry at one interface. The virtual methods of this class are meant to be overloaded in subclasses. The non-virtual methods perform generic functions and are implemented in Kinetics.
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Reactors and Reactor Networks. #. In Cantera, a reactor network represents a set of one or more homogeneous reactors and reacting surfaces that may be connected to each other and to the environment through devices representing mass flow, heat transfer, and moving walls. The system is generally unsteady – that is, all states are functions of time.
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Setting up a Reactor Network #. First, let’s take a look at a basic example to see how we might utilize Cantera’s time integration functionality. We’ll simulate an isolated reactor in Python that is filled with a homogeneous gas mixture. The gas state used in this example is arbitrary, but interesting because it’s explosive.
This example illustrates a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) with steady inputs but periodic interior state. A stoichiometric hydrogen/oxygen mixture is introduced and reacts
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Cantera includes a set of models for representing steady-state, quasi-one-dimensional reacting flows, which can be used to simulate a number of common flames. Note that this information is simply an overview. For a thorough, comprehensive description of chemical kinetic theory and the associated governing equations for a variety of systems, a
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Prerequisites The first step in installing the Cantera Python module using pip is to make sure you have a compatible version of Python installed and are able to run pip from the command line. Packages for Cantera 3.0.0 are available for Python versions 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
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