Pfeiffer-Produkte. Wenn es um moderne Aufbereitungstechnik geht, macht uns so schnell keiner was vor. Neben den innovativen Mühlen der MVR- und MPS-Serien bieten wir ein breites Portfolio an Maschinen für die Bereiche Mahlen, Sichten, Trocknen, Löschen und Kalzinieren. Aus einer Hand erhalten Sie so für jede Aufgabe die perfekte Lösung.
Mahlung von Zementrohmaterial – Materialabscheidung über Zyklone. Zementrohmaterialgemische werden in der Pfeiffer-Vertikalmühle gemahlen, getrocknet und gesichtet. Für die Trocknung des Mahlguts werden Heißgase in die Mühle eingeleitet. Die Produktfeinheit kann in weiten Grenzen (0,063-0,2 mm) eingestellt werden.
Para a preparação de cru, cimento e escória granulada de alto forno com taxas de produção pequenas e médias, o moinho MVR com acionamento convencional é a escolha certa. Esse tipo de moinho é, por sinal, o equipamento principal do nosso sistema modular ready2grind. A alta disponibilidade da planta e os conceitos de manutenção
Le calcaire en roche est séché dans des séchoirs Triplex Pfeiffer, broyé dans des broyeurs à grande vitesse de rotation, séparé dans des séparateurs Pfeiffer et classé dans des tamiseurs pour obtenir des sables concassés de 0 – 0,5 mm jusqu’à 0 – 4 mm. Le coproduit obtenu est le filler. Les sables concassés sont utilisés
Para procesar material crudo de cemento, clínker de cemento o escoria de altos hornos —a pesar de la variedad de aptitudes de molienda y abrasividad del género distribuido a granel— con el molino vertical de
[email protected] Gebr. Pfeiffer SE Barbarossastr. 50-54 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany Phone: +49 (0)631 4161 0 Fax: +49 (0)631 4161 290 Email: [email protected] Imprimir Contatos Downloads Certificações Proteção de
A empresa sediada em Kaiserslautern possui mais de 500 funcionários em todo o mundo. Clientes em todo o mundo confiam nas soluções inovadoras de sistemas da Pfeiffer, garantindo uma preparação eficiente de cimento, escória granulada de alto-forno, matéria-prima de cimento, carvão, cal, gesso, argila e muitos outros materiais.
[email protected] Gebr. Pfeiffer SE Barbarossastr. 50-54 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany Phone: +49 (0)631 4161 0 Fax: +49 (0)631 4161 290 Email: [email protected] Imprint Contact Downloads Certifications Data protection Cookies policy
[email protected] Gebr. Pfeiffer SE Barbarossastr. 50-54 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany Phone: +49 (0)631 4161 0 Fax: +49 (0)631 4161 290 Email: [email protected] Mentions légales Contact Téléchargements Certifications Protection des
Moinhos de bolas-reconhecidos desde 1864. Centenas de moinhos de bolas-fabricados pela Pfeiffer para atender às necessidades específicas dos clientes-operando em todo o mundo. De fato, projetamos, construímos e instalamos moinhos de bolas especialmente adaptados para moer materiais duros e até mesmo extremamente abrasivos.
Gebr. Pfeiffer GUS Russland Download Servicebroschüre Sie haben Fragen zu unseren Leistungen? Nehmen Sie jetzt Kontakt mit uns auf Gebr. Pfeiffer SE Barbarossastr. 50-54 Phone: +49 (0)631 4161 0 67655 Kaiserslautern Fax: +49 (0)631 4161 290 Germany
Gebr. Pfeiffer bietet als umfassender Solution-Provider innovative, marktorientierte Systemlösungen mit Qualitätsprodukten zur Materialaufbereitung – Mahlen, Sichten, Trocknen, Löschen, Kalzinieren 15-04-2024 UltraTech Cement Ltd. und Gebr. Pfeiffer, die
Barbarossastr. 50-54. 67655 Kaiserslautern. Germany. Phone: +49 (0)631 4161 0. Fax: +49 (0)631 4161 290. E-Mail: [email protected]. Gebr. Pfeiffer bietet als umfassender Solution-Provider innovative, marktorientierte Systemlösungen mit Qualitätsprodukten zur Materialaufbereitung – Mahlen, Sichten, Trocknen, Löschen, Kalzinieren.
1. Goods and services that are worth the money Investment in Pfeiffer machines and plants pays off. Because the overall performance is right. Extremely reliable and with excellent results. For economic success and high ROI – for sure. Let us convince you. Getting
[email protected] Gebr. Pfeiffer SE Barbarossastr. 50-54 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany Phone: +49 (0)631 4161 0 Fax: +49 (0)631 4161 290 Email: [email protected] Imprimir Contatos Downloads Certificações Proteção de
On the other hand Pfeiffer has always been loyal to its local roots – also as an employer-which has proved profitable because as a privately run business we are able to stand our ground and in financial terms act independently from global business groups. We are an employer with a long-time tradition, experience and know-how.
El molino MVR está equipado con un moderno sistema hidráulico para fines de mantenimiento y servicio. [email protected] Gebr. Pfeiffer SE Barbarossastr. 50-54 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany Phone: +49 (0)631 4161 0 Fax: +49 (0)631 4161 290
Gebr. Pfeiffer | 14,560 followers on LinkedIn. Getting it done | Gebr. Pfeiffer has a long and successful tradition of providing the highest level of quality and service. In a rapidly changing environment, the company remains focussed on the individual requirements of its
[email protected] Gebr. Pfeiffer SE Barbarossastr. 50-54 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany Phone: +49 (0)631 4161 0 Fax: +49 (0)631 4161 290 E-Mail: [email protected] Impressum Kontakt Downloads Zertifikate Datenschutz Cookie-Erklärung
Grinding of cement raw material – material separation in cyclones. The cement raw material mixtures are ground, dried, and classified in the Pfeiffer vertical roller mill. For drying the material, hot gases are directed into the mill. Product fineness can be adjusted within a wide range (0.063 to 0.2 mm).
[email protected] Gebr. Pfeiffer SE Barbarossastr. 50-54 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany Phone: +49 (0)631 4161 0 Fax: +49 (0)631 4161 290 Email: [email protected] Imprint Contact Downloads Certifications Data protection Cookies policy
[email protected] Gebr. Pfeiffer SE Barbarossastr. 50-54 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany Phone: +49 (0)631 4161 0 Fax: +49 (0)631 4161 290 Email: [email protected] Imprimir Contatos Downloads Certificações Proteção de
A Gebr. Pfeiffer oferece soluções para as mais modernas tecnologias de preparação-moinhos inovadores e outras máquinas para moer, separar, secar, hidratar e calcinar
Tradition since 1864. As a family-run business with its head office in Kaiserslautern, Germany, Gebr. Pfeiffer has pioneered the development of modern grinding, separating, drying, slaking, and calcining technologies for more than 150 years. Today, some 500 qualified employees are all united in the endeavor to carry on the passion of our
La empresa con sede en Kaiserslautern emplea a más de 500 personas en el marco de sus actividades a nivel mundial. Los clientes de todo el mundo confían en las innovadoras soluciones de sistema de Pfeiffer para el eficiente procesamiento de cemento, escoria de altos hornos, material crudo de cemento, carbón, cal, yeso, arcilla y otros muchos
Getting it done | The family-owned company Gebr. Pfeiffer is in demand worldwide whenever it comes to process technology for the cement, gypsum, lime, clay, mining,
The ready2grind system is extraordinarily compact. The modules in standard container sizes are delivered preassembled. The grinding process is the same as that of bigger Pfeiffer grinding plants. The
We, Gebr. Pfeiffer, are a global player with a long-standing tradition. Our experience and high engineering competence make us a leading company among the manufacturers of
[email protected] Gebr. Pfeiffer SE Barbarossastr. 50-54 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany Phone: +49 (0)631 4161 0 Fax: +49 (0)631 4161 290 Email: [email protected] Imprint Contact Downloads Certifications Data protection Cookies policy
Para procesar material crudo de cemento, clínker de cemento o escoria de altos hornos —a pesar de la variedad de aptitudes de molienda y abrasividad del género distribuido a granel— con el molino vertical de rodillos MVR conseguirá rendimientos de otra dimensión: en todo momento, de forma fiable y a largo plazo. Olvídese de las paradas
Trituradora de piedra vendida por proveedores certificados, como trituradoras de mandíbula/cono/impacto/móvil, etc.