On the OSN7500, if the T2SL 64A /T2SL64 is originally inserted in slot 1, 2, 3, 17, or 18, the T2SL 64A /T2SL64 cannot be replaced by the SSN1SL64 but can be replaced by the T2SL 64A /T2SL64 only. 5. The SST2SL64 provides a backboard bus of 2.5 Gbit/s and can be used only for the OSN7500.
Huawei OSN7500 II SDH Product Features OptiX OSN2500/1500/3500/7500 service boards and software are fully compatible, forming a unified platform. This can greatly reduce maintenance costs and the cost of spare parts. The OSN intelligent platform efficiently
Descripción. Placa de interfaz óptica STM-16 (L-16.1, LC) Aplicar a Huawei OSN 1500, OSN 2500, OSN3500, Equipo OSN 7500 para transmitir Recibir señales ópticas STM-16, en el rango de tránsito a 15 ~ 40 km. Admite las interfaces ópticas de colores CWDM y DWDM. Admite la función PRBS en la dirección de la línea y la función Causa por cruz.
OSN7500 SL64:. :25.4mm()×235.2mm()×261.4mm():1.1kg. OSN7500 SL64:. SSN1SL64(25°C)30W。. SSN2SL64(25°C)32W。. SSN4SL64(25°C
Precio de Huawei OSN 3500 RACK de la lista de precios de Huawei 2022, precio del enrutador de Huawei, precio del interruptor de Huawei menu Español English Español Français Categorías Cisco Huawei HP / HPE Dell Aruba Brocade EMC
OSN 3500 is a new-generation optical transmission system developed by Huawei. It adopts a unified switching architecture and can function as an MPLS/MPLS-TP-based packet device or a TDM device. When working with other devices of Huawei, OSN 3500 supports various networking modes, including the pure packet mode, hybrid networking (packet +
Huawei OSN7500 SSN1ETF8 8-Port 10M/100M BaseT Fast Ethernet Interface Board, 03026811. The ETF8 is an Ethernet electrical interface board. The ETF8 can be used on the OptiX OSN equipment series to transmit and receive 100M Ethernet electrical signals for the data board. Interfaces of the ETF8. Interface.
Acquista Huawei OptiX OSN7500 SDH con firmware V100R008C02SPC200 presso fornitore oro 12 anni Thunder-link.com Spedizione globale, Garanzia globale Consigli degli esperti Rapporto di prova Categorie Rete Huawei
. OSN 7500 :、HedEx、、、、、、、。.
100 km STM-4 two-fiber bidrectional optical interfaces. Item. SSN3SLQ4. Basic functions. Transmits and receives 4xSTM-4 optical signals. Specifications of the optical interface. Supports different types of standard optical interfaces, namely, the I-4, S-4.1, L
OSN7500-(mm) (kg)600()×300()×2000()551600()×600()×2000()791600()×300()×2200()602600()×600()×2200()842600()×300()×2600()702600
Huawei SSN1SL4A(Huawei OSN7500 II SDH YCICT) Board SSN1SL4 PRICE AND SPECS STM-4 optical interface board Huawei SSN1SL4A Board DATASHEET for OSN3500 OSN7500 OSN1500 YCICT Búsqueda WhatsApp idioma English /products/huawei
En el modo TDM, Huawei OSN7500 II SDH tiene una gran capacidad de cruce de servicios, con un máximo de cruce de orden alto de 360 Gbit/s y cruce de orden bajo de 40 Gbit/s. En modo paquete, su capacidad de conmutación de paquetes puede alcanzar hasta 160 Gbit/s.
Huawei OSN7500 SDH is positioned at the backbone layer of the metropolitan area network, and can complete multiple types and different granular business scheduling and transmission. Huawei OSN7500 SDH adopts a unified switching architecture , which can be used as packet equipment and TDM equipment based on MPLS/MPLS-TP technology .
OSN 3500. OSN 3500 is a new-generation optical transmission system developed by Huawei. It adopts a unified switching architecture and can function as an MPLS/MPLS-TP-based packet device or a TDM device. When working with other devices of Huawei, OSN 3500 supports various networking modes, including the pure packet mode, hybrid
OSN 1500. OSN 1500 is a new-generation optical transmission system developed by Huawei. It adopts a unified switching architecture and can function as an MPLS-based packet device or a TDM device. When working with other devices of Huawei, OSN 1500 supports various networking modes, including the pure packet mode, hybrid networking
Huawei OptiX OSN 3800 Huawei OptiX OSN 7500 II Huawei OptiX OSN 9800 Huawei OptiX OSN 8800 Huawei OptiX OSN 6800 Huawei OptiX OSN 580 ADMINISTRATOR 18 About us Router-switch.com, founded in 2002, is one of the biggest Global of network
OSN 7500 II is a new-generation optical transmission system developed by Huawei based on the current applications and development trend of MANs. It is an optical core switching (OCS) device applied to service scheduling nodes at the backbone layer of MANs. OSN 7500 II adopts a unified switching architecture and can function as an MPLS/MPLS-TP
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